Jumat, 30 September 2011

C versus C++

The main difference between C & C++ is the OOPS (Object Oriented Programming) concept in C++.

This makes C++ much more efficient than C Language. C is procedure oriented language and c++ is object oriented language. But basically it depends on the project to project which language to choose from C or C++.

C language's syntax is very easy as compared to C++.Another Difference is that C uses Top Down approach and focuses on procedures.

In it Data moves as such whereas in C++ uses the bottom up approach and focuses basically on data . There is Data Hiding what we call as data abstraction.


Dynamic memory allocation in C is by calloc() and in C++ by malloc() by new and delete respectively. In C we only able to declare the variable in global declaration part, but in C++ it is possible to declare a variable in anywhere in the program.

This is a big advantage of C++ over C because it saves our time while coding. Function prototyping is optional in c whereas it is compulsion in c++.

Sample Syntax for C & C++

C++: -

cout << "Enter two integers"; cin >> v1 >> v2;

C: -

printf("Enter two integers");
scanf("%i %i", &v1, &v2);

In C, we cannot use template and template class. C source code file name should be *.c and *.h for implement file and header file.

Class is not supported in C, so you should convert all of class definition in C++ to structures and functions in C. C++ supports inheritance, polymorphism & encapsulation & C doesn't.


Access specifier in C is public, whereas in C++ it is private. C++ has more keywords than C.


C: Dennis Ritche in 1972.
C++: Bjrane Stroustrup in 1980s

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